
Find Your Freedom! Personalized plans to help you lose weight quickly

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alabama weight loss clinic

Healthy Weight Loss

alabama weight loss clinic

Diet and Exercise Programs

alabama weight loss clinic

Doctor on Staff

alabama weight loss clinic

Lose the Weight and Keep it Off

A Healthy, Happier You

Gadsden Weight Control in Rainbow City, AL is a weight control clinic offering a multi-strategy approach towards weight loss that is both personalized and effective. We offer lipotropic shots, appetite suppressants, diet and exercise programs, and coaching for a successful and healthy weight loss plan.

We have a doctor on staff to prescribe medication for appetite suppression and advice on diet and exercise plans for each new client. With a medical professional overseeing every aspect of their weight loss plan.

If you aren’t happy with your weight, or would like to get down to a healthier size, come in and see us at our convenient location in Rainbow City. We’ll get you to the size you want to be quickly and in a healthy way.
